Displays are to be completely in place by Monday at 2 p.m. Exhibitors are asked to have a knowledgeable person at their display as all times during the Expo. Display staff are reminded to review the Checklist linked below. Resource Faculty and Staff are to be available at all times to help with the exhibition. Please welcome visitors to the exhibition and as educators seek to answer questions they might have. Some may also be asked to help staff displays and to collect evaluative data about  visitor experiences while visiting the IFAS Exhibition. Resource Faculty and Staff are encouraged to review the Guidelines for Resource Faculty and Staff linked below.



Exhibitor Checklist

This checklist is provided for Exhibitor's use to assist with planning activities before, during, and after the Expo. You can find it here.

Exhibitor Setup, displays, breakdown and pass information is found in the Exhibitor checklist.


Guidelines for Resource Faculty

This is a set of guidelines for all Faculty members who come to assist with planning activities before, during, and after the Expo. You can find it here.


IFAS Sunbelt Building Layout


The link below will take you to a Google list of Hotels in the Valdosta area. If you scroll to the bottom of the list on the left you will see the option to select 3 other pages of hotels. All of these hotels are off of I-75 in Valdosta. However, lodging is also available in other local areas such as Adel and Tipton, GA.